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Dream Again

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

dream again

Do you dare to dream?

Do you dare to follow your dream?

If you were free to dream without any fear what would you do?

My best question yet: Has something happened to beat you up a little bit, maybe something that caused you to loose hope in this dream that you know God put in your heart?

Something deep inside you knows you are the one to do it, but it has been locked up in a chamber within your heart. Your dream has been imprisoned. Every now and then a scripture you read, a book, or something someone said to you rekindles the flame of that dream so you take one step forward only to be pushed two steps back. I hope today I can help you be SET FREE to live your dream!

I am a huge dreamer and I believe even as little children God places dreams in our heart. I have been going through a season of just trying to sit at Jesus’s feet and hear His direction for my life, allow His roots to be established in my life, in my identity. You see I know the dreams in my heart, He put them there. I also rest in the fact that no one can bring those dreams into reality but God and me. He chose me for those dreams. He created me specifically to fulfill those dreams and the uniqueness of me will be the only thing that creates the culture of what that dream is to look like, feel like, because it has been established in me! So if you are struggling with trying to compete with the dream of someone else, or concerned you have missed the mark because your dream has not been birthed yet…STOP and please know that God’s time is perfect no one can take your dream, it has been created specifically for you, God had the dream in mind when He created you in your mother’s womb, and it will be established in His timing. The only hindrance to your dream is You. If you give up, loose hope, don’t believe…your dream will stay locked up. I am here to tell you your voice, your dream, can change the world! Live it!

Now, I have learned there are two factors to be considered. If your dream is truly from God: It will seem overwhelming at first, and it will be aimed at meeting a big need in the world, why? because that is our God! He is the God of the impossible and makes a huge impact for His Glory. Our dreams matter to Him.

There are many circumstances in our lives that make us feel “stuck”. I certainly have. The enemy wants you to feel stuck so you can’t move forward into the promises of God. I want you to know that no matter what your circumstances are you can continuously turn your heart back towards your dream even in this moment! The enemy uses rejection to paralyze God given dreams. This topic deserves its own blog spot, but know this you will not be able to avoid rejection in this world. However, you can change the way you react to rejection. The way you handle rejection will either lead to abundant life or living death. Also, rejection shouldn’t always be considered a bad thing sometimes it is issued by God to redirect you on different course. Sometimes, rejection can lead you to your dreams! That is a great thought!

Father, bless us! Let our souls be like a well watered garden. I ask that you give us strength, desire, passion to never stop dreaming for what sets our souls on fire. Help us to pursue you and our dreams that you have placed in our lives. Let us giggle, soak, and ponder on the what if’s… In Jesus name, amen.

“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find…for everyone who ask receives, the one who seeks finds…Matthew 7:7-8


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