Today I put my heart to the test.
Women were created to be nurturers and some of the ways they nurture is with their words. We can make a huge difference in the lives of those around us simply by our words. Elizabeth Elliot made this statement. "The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman." and we are told in scripture as a Christian our words should be kind and sweet like honey!
"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones" Proverbs 16:24
Have you had any good honey lately? I recently bought some in the North Carolina Mountains. This honey was filled with honeycomb and it was so sweet and delcious! With every bite, I found myself saying ummmmmm. Honey is known for its natural sweetness AND its medical qualities that brings healing. So our words are being compared to honey in this passage meaning our very words can bring healing to those who are wounded and broken, those that are lost, confused, and in despair.
Circumstances in our lives and the culture we battle can cause us to become bitter if we are not careful. Today, let's examine our hearts before the Lord. What do we need to repent of? Let's allow ourselves to be broken before the Lord, as He examines our hearts and shines His light into all the cracks and hidden pain. As we are influenced by Christ, our speech will be an influence unto others. Let's allow God to transform us for such a time as this. Our very words can bring grace to the weakest, salvation to the lost, hope to the hopeless, victory to the captive, freedom to the oppressed, healing to broken.
Are our words creating life or death? Sometimes the greatest sins are those that come from the mouth. Ouch! Pretty raw stuff here, but this is important. What kind of atmosphere are we creating through our words?
To self evaluate: Get before the Lord, give Him permission to search your heart. Practice listening prayer asking Him to show you any thing in your heart that needs to be repented of and uprooted. Be still in His presence until He moves you on to the next step, which is repentance. Repent of anything the Holy Spirit reveals to you. Then ask the Holy Spirit to fill all those spaces, all your heart with the goodness of God.
Oh Lord will you put sweet words in my mouth that I may bring peace and encouragement to those in my sphere of influence. May my words be like the healing balm of honey. Lord let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pure and acceptable before you. Psalms 19:14, Matthew 5:8. I pray that I will be a woman of understanding, full of nurture and wisdom. I pray my mouth will be a well spring of Life to others! May I be found faithful to express your truth, and love fully led by the Spirit! May my words bring comfort, healing, edification, and restoration. May my tongue be like a pen of a ready writer, writing the plans and purposes of God on the hearts of those I influence. Psalm 45:1. In Jesus Name, Amen!