We are approaching another year and I believe God is eager to speak to us very clearly. I believe this is a year to raise our standards of discipline and dedication to a higher level!
“Oh my child, let Me speak to thee, and let My Spirit direct thy life. I may lead you in unexpected ways and ask things of you that are startling, but I will never guide you amiss. Across thy path shall fall the shadow of My hand, and where ever I direct you, you will see my power at work, and there shall come forth from your ministry that which shall glorify Me. Do not walk according to natural reason but instead obey the promptings of the Spirit, and be obedient to My voice. I need those who will be completely flexible in this way, because there are a multitude of souls who are searching for Me, and would never come into contact with Me in a personal way through the channels of the organized church…go into the places that are out-of-the-way, and bring light on My Word to those who are in need. Stay in an attitude of prayer and faith, and I will do all the rest.” -Come Away My Beloved
We all go through a season where we watch, write, and wait as Habakkuk did, but I believe 2018 is a year to knock the dust off those dreams, desires, and visions you have buried down deep in your heart. God put them there and it is time to give birth to them. In the beginning there was a spiritual birth to your vision. This is where God planted it in your heart and you first caught a glimpse of it. Now, is the appointed time for the physical birth. The physical birth is tangible it radiates forth and touches the lives of others. Just as an unborn baby is born into this world it must be nurtured and begins to grow and so it is with your vision and ministry. It will require strategic care, but if you will step forward in obedience and just Be, God will Do. Yes! Be faithful, Be obedient, Be dedicated, be disciplined, because God is moving. His exciting work is constantly being accomplished! So what part do you play? Are you sitting on Go ready to do His will? Are you ready to see your vision come to Life? Are you prepared to do the work? I pray this will be a year of great breakthrough for you as you have never seen before!
In His Will,