Happy New Year Friends!
It has been quite a while since I have written. I have been on a journey with the Lord. I recently took a sabbatical from the ministry in which I founded and lead on a daily basis. What did this time away hold for me? well I wasn’t sure. I just knew it was what God wanted for me and my choice was only to obey. So on August 27th, 2019 I walked into a meeting informing our Board of Directors…“I am taking some time away. I need to step back from all of this and allow God to heal me, speak to me, and redefine my purpose in Him moving forward.” I honestly walked out of there that night not knowing when or if I would return. All I wanted was God. I was in full surrender. Suddenly, everything I had accomplished faded in the background for it was only Him I wanted and needed. This came to a surprise to many, but for me, I had been soaking in this agreement with the Holy Spirit for quite some time.
Later I would receive a prophetic word. “Jeannie the ministry will not be your greatest accomplishment. Your greatest accomplishment will be His presence, His renewed presence covering over you. Though you have known Him for many years, this will be New.”
God returned me back to work after 6 weeks, and during that time away, God did a great work in me that is hard to express, but it was deep. I once read a great book by Banning Liebscher who is the Founder and Pastor of Jesus Culture. The book was called Rooted. It was about the hidden places where God develops you. That was exactly what was happening to me. I am still processing many things, but with great excitement!
I have learned that sufferings produce perseverance and perseverance produces character. Not just any character, but a character that mirrors Christ. I have also learned that rest is one of my greatest weapons against the enemy. We must rest! My hope and I believe my call is to be a warrior that brings life and hope to a broken world. I dream of a world where the Body of Christ is seeing nations transformed, cities impacted, and culture is reproducing life and fruit. This may seem too big for you or me, but friend it is not. In fact, it starts with you and me! What is stirring in your heart? What is He calling you to do with Him? Pay attention to the circle of individuals God may have in your life right now, because He puts desires in us and then sends people to stir them up, unite with us, so we can have a lasting impact on the world. I hope this very writing stirs you up!!
In order for this to happen there has to be a strong root system that lasts. I now understand that God was building a root system in me in secret. I knew something was happening inside me, but I couldn’t talk about, I couldn’t describe it, I didn’t fully understand it, but I felt it. Many days it left me frustrated..this thing was just happening and I just had to walk in it, day to day in full surrender and obedience. I wanted to quickly get to the destination, but instead I sat for a long time in the waiting room. Now, let me fast forward to today.
Each new year I prayerfully seek a Word from the Lord and ask him to teach me how to apply it to my life. My routine goes like this: On New Years Eve- I sit and read through my entire journal of that year and reflect on what happened and what God spoke. I always leave room at the end and I journal all the way into the New Year and typically this is when I receive my NEW word for the New year we are entering into. This year God did not confirm my word as usual. I thought I knew it, but wasn’t sure.
So, a little testimony here- Last year my word was release– which means to be set free from confinement and flow freely. Now, I thought that word meant something different for me, but as it turns out God spoke to me on new years eve before I went to bed and said “Jeannie you have misunderstood release for you in this season. My release for you is to release what I have put inside you. Release more and more of me. It’s all about me. The enemy tried to confuse you. He wanted you to believe that I was asking you to leave the duties I had given you, but Behold! the very platforms I have given you is yours to release a supernatural power to care for others.” (taken from my journal).
The following day, I spent with the Lord writing in my journal and He spoke loud and clear my Word for 2020 is LAUNCH which means to start or set in motion. You see, I had to fully understand what release meant before I could grasp my New Word for 2020.
Now that I am clear on my new marching orders, with Faith I am going to stand firm and step into some new assignments. I will release and I will launch some visions that have been residing deep within my heart. I don’t have it all figured out, I just plan to be obedient to whatever He puts in front of me.
If you are reading this, I believe this Word is for you. I speak life, healing, and the Joy of the Lord over you. This past year has brought pain and struggle and you have wondered if God even cares about you, but He does! He loves you deeply. You feel as though the enemy has won the battle. You wanted to give up, or maybe you have give up, but child of the mighty God! open your eyes! The enemy didn’t win! You have not failed! You are not weak! __________(your name) YOU MADE IT! You made it through. You are an Overcomer. He will show you the way, a New Way, walk in it. Release the past, God has new wells of replenishment, new favor and supply for you to discover! Don’t mourn over what God has already made a plan to replace in your life. In the name of Jesus, Amen! now receive it!
I hope you have an extraordinary New Year. As I reflected on what God had accomplished through my willing heart this past decade, I sat speechless and humbled. I can’t wait to see what the next decade brings. Pray for me and I will be praying for you in the Spirit.