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Peace With God


How do we enter into peace with God?

I know this can be a season that brings so many emotions. It can be a roller coaster at times. Of course, we are also faced with just plain busyness and distraction So what do you do when all of these emotions come at you? How do you find peace with God? How do you enter into that rest and into that peace?

So, like always, let's look to the greatest source and that is the Word of God. Psalm 107:43 reads, whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord.

John 14:27 reads, peace I leave you. My peace I give to you not as the world gives…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

So here we have the promise Jesus has given us. He's telling us that peace alone only comes from him and what he has to give us is of eternal value! It's non comprehensive to our mind and it's so different than what the world can give us. It’s hard to understand and grasp sometimes because we see the things of the world, we can touch the things of the world.

What does the world give us? I encourage you to make a list of all the things that the world gives you, the things that you encounter and experience in the world. Then make a list of the things that you encounter and experience with Jesus.

Philippians 4: 6-8 tells us to be anxious for nothing! The opposite would be worry. He says, be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication. So friends, when we feel that storm, come on. When we feel anxiety come on, we need to stop and begin to pray… by prayer and supplication. Then we enter into that peace, His peace! Something happens…the Lord takes away the anxious thought as we put our mind on Him we are filled with peace. Yes! An eternal exchange happens! Our anxiety for His peace. I’ll take it!

Paul was going through devastating times, yet he found himself immersed in God's joy because it was a state of mind that he was in. So Paul understood how to NOT conform to this world and how to keep his mind and his heart and his focus on Jesus. And that's what he tells us to do. I want to encourage you to do just that. Isaiah 41:10 reads, fear not for I am with you. When we remove ourselves from this mindset of fear, when we cast it down and move away from that and draw close to God, we begin to enter into peace.

Sit with Him, your Creator, your Savior, and immerse yourself in peace. He will speak to you. He will share things with you and insight into other things that can promote even more peace in your life. It may be revelations in regards to how to take care of yourself. It could be new ways to serve Him. By the way, serving other people just brings a whole level of joy and peace. Entering into compassion and trust and respect with people around you really does give you inner peace.

Another thing to consider- Is there anything going on in our own heart that we have not dealt with? Because that inner peace comes from being reconciled with first the Lord, but then with other people. For example, if we are harboring any unforgiveness in our heart, then peace cannot reside where there is unforgiveness. So we need to lay our heart before the Lord.  Ask the question, Lord, is there anything in my heart that doesn't need to be there? Bitterness, unforgiveness, sin, whatever it may be ask for forgiveness and move on, reconcile with Him, reconcile with other people. Get Free!


Lastly, I just have to touch on this because it drives me nuts! and maybe it does you too. We are after peace in every area of our life so evaluate your environment, your atmosphere. If its in chaos you will be in chaos and peace will not reside. God is a God of order. So, do we need to declutter some things? Do we need to just get some things in order?

Personally, if I have clutter all around my desk, in my car, in my office, wherever it may be, I cannot function. I have to have order because it keeps me organized, it keeps me structured. I need space where I can be productive so things flow smoothly. Here is a clue -if you find yourself frustrated evaluate.

In all things, remember - Yahweh is our only everlasting strength and peace!


Love you Bunches!



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