Hello Sweet Friends, I hope this blog post finds you all full of encouragement and full of His Spirit!
Have you ever noticed that one of the hardest things to do is let go!.. There are many things God calls us to let go of. Why? Because it is when we ungrasp the situation out of our hands we can then surrender it fully to God so His Holy Spirit can do its perfect work. God in His sovereignty is in control anyways! So we are only hurting ourselves hanging onto something that is not ours to hang onto. Maybe it is our children, a position, a relationship, or pain..pain of something in your past.
For me, one of my biggest lessons in letting go was trusting God with the pain of my abortion. I had wore myself out trying to handle something I was incapable of handling and it was getting me no where fast. God was calling me to let go of the pain and trust Him instead and when I did He performed a miracle in my life. But, God wants all the pieces, all the insecurities, all the worries, all the pain because He is doing something NEW and in this process we are HEALED! In this process our faith is grown, our trust is grown, and we become dependent on the only one that can do anything! Because “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
The photo I posted for you says Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be! Awesome things can happen if we accept what is right now trusting God is always working for our benefit and good. Maybe your going through the valley because God is trying to birth a ministry. Maybe your avoiding your worst fears but God is calling you to face your fears, walk through your fears because He is trying to draw you closer to Him!
I have learned to appreciate every hardship I have gone through and still going through as an opportunity. Yes, an opportunity to minister and an opportunity to grow my faith and although I would never want to go through them again, I am grateful for what God has birthed within me as I have journeyed through them.
This week, no matter what your going through.. do these three things with me: REJOICE, PRAY, and GIVE THANKS but not because I said so, but because He said so:) and Let’s grow together!
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Until we chat again,
